Welcome to Module 1!

In this first module, you will learn about the fundamental tenets of place-based education, identify a site to practice place-based activities you might use with your students, and begin learning some strategies you might employ in your classroom. 

Module 1 Theme: Introductions and Getting Started with Science Investigations

Module Overview:



Activities and Assignments

Part #1: Introductions and intentions

Asynchronous (~2 hours)

  • Watch: course intro and place-based teaching video lessons

  • Read: Reading the World, Not the Words (Demarest)

  • Submit: Intro letter

Part #2: Site Visit 


(~3.5 hours)

  • Watch: site selection video; question marathon intro

  • Read: chapter 1 from The Forest Unseen (David George Haskell)

  • Visit: Choose and visit your wonder journal site, complete wonder journal assignment

  • Submit

  • Wonder journal #1 (theme: question marathon)

  • Add site location to shared digital map

Live Session: Group Welcome, Course Framing, Starting with Curiosity

Tues, July 12

3:00 – 4:30PM


  • Meet and begin building connections among cohort 

  • Learn more about goals, structures, deliverables for the course

  • Wonder journal as a tool for cultivating curiosity

  • Debriefing question marathon: piece, pattern, and process questions; application to participants’ teaching

Part 1: Introduction and Intentions

In this first part of module 1, you’ll learn the basic tenets and forms of place-based education and complete a introductory letter in which you share your expertise and intentions for the course. 

Step 1: Watch Video Introduction to Place-based Education

Step 2: Read Introductory Article to Place-based Education

Step 3: Complete Intro Letter

We will use Google’s free blogging tool to share with one another throughout this course.  Your first post will be an introductory letter to Mike and your fellow course participants.  Here’s how to complete it:

1) If you have not yet done so, accept the invitation Mike sent to your email.  If you don’t see it, check your spam folder. 

2) Click the “New Post” button. 

3) Include your name and “intro letter” (or something similar) in the title of your post, and then share a little about yourself.  You can add images or video, and can style the post however you want.  Some suggestions for what to write are below. 

4) Hit the “publish” button in the top right.  You can check out this post and those of your fellow participants via this link (assuming you are using the same browser in which you originally posted). 


Part 2: Your First Site Visit

In this second part of module 1, you’ll identify an outdoor space that you want to get to know better.  You will use this location to practice many of the skills we learn about in the course.

Step 1: Watch Site Selection and Question Marathon Video

Step 2: Read Excerpt from The Forest Unseen

Step 3: Site Visit and Journal Entry

Part 3: Live Session

Our live session will take place on Tuesday, July 12 from 3:00 to 4:30PM on Zoom.
You can find join our live session via this link: